A. The corss fall of the shoulder should be at least 0.5% steeper than camber
B. On superelevated sections, the shoulders should be provided a cross fall equal to camber
C. Earthern roads in general are provided steepest crossfall
D. All the above.
Correct Answer
All the above.
Highway Engineering problems
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1. The width of pavement in addition to a gravelled berm 1 m on either side for a two directional traffic recommended by Nagpur Conference of Chief Engineers, is
2. For calculating the tractive force along an upgrade of an asphalt road, the most probable value of the co-efficient of traction resistance ? is assumed
3. If E is the modulus of elasticity of the concrete in kg/cm2, d is the slab thickness in cm, is the Poisson's ratio for the concrete, k is the sub-grade modulus kg/cm3, the radius r of relative stiffness in cm,
Correct Answer: road land boundary and building line
9. Over taking time required for a vehicle with design speed 50 km ph and overtaking acceleration 1.25 m/sec2 to overtake a vehicle moving at a speed 30 km ph, is