The forces acting on the bar as shown in the given figure introduce
A. compressive stress
B. tensile stress
C. shear stress
D. none of these.
Correct Answer
shear stress
Theory of Structures problems
Search Results
1. If normal stresses due to longitudinal and transverse loads on a bar are ?1 and ?2 respectively, the normal component of the stress on an inclined plane ?° to the longitudinal load, is
Correct Answer: length of column divided by least radius of gyration.
4. A masonry dam (density = 20, 000 N/m3) 6 m high, one metre wide at the top and 4 m wide at the base, has vertical water face. The minimum stress at the base of the dam when the reservoir is full, will be
5. A steel plate d x b is sandwiched rigidly between two timber joists each D x B/2 in section. The moment of resistance of the beam for the same maximum permissible stress ? in timber and steel will be (where Young's modulus of steel is m times that of the timber).
10. For determining the force in the member AB of the truss shown in the given figure by method of sections, the section is made to pass through AB, AD and ED and the moments are taken about