A dumpy level was set up at mid-point between pegs A and B, 80 m apart and the staff readings were 1.32 and 1.56. When the level was set up at a point 10 m from A on BA produced, the staff readings obtained at A and B were 1.11 and 1.39. The correct staff reading from this set up at S should be
A. 1.435
B. 1.345
C. 1.425
D. none of these.
Correct Answer
Surveying problems
Search Results
1. While surveying a plot of land by plane tabling, the field observations
A. and plotting proceed simultaneously
B. and plotting do not proceed simultaneously
C. and recorded in field books to be plotted later
3. If vertical angles of inclined sights do not exceed 10° and non-verticality of the staff remains within 1°, stadia system of tacheometric observations are made on