Here, every other number follows a different pattern. In the first series, 6 is added to each number to arrive at the next. In the second series, 10 is added to each number to arrive at the next.
This is an alternating repetition series, with a random number, 22, interpolated as every third number into an otherwise simple addition series. In the addition series, 4 is added to each number to arrive at the next number.
This is an alternating repetition series, in which a random number, 61, is interpolated as every third number into an otherwise simple subtraction series. Starting with the second number, 57, each number (except 61) is 7 less than the previous number.
This is an alternating addition series, with a random number, 35, interpolated as every third number. The pattern of addition is to add 2, add 5, add 2, and so on. The number 35 comes after each "add 2" step/