Yes, the ability to do work is called Energy is True.
Integrated circuit (IC) is a tiny device that controls electric signals in such electronic equipments as computers and T.V sets. Many integrated circuits contain thousands of electronic parts on a paper - thin chip of silicon. These parts include capacitors, diodes, all in a very small, compact space.
The eye can see images separately only if they are exhibited at an interval of more than 1/10 of a second. In the case of a movie, the still pictures come one after the other at less than this minimum interval. So we do not see them separately but only as a continuous moving picture.
This is a layer of atmosphere about 60 to 70 km above the earth and extends to about 400km. It contains ionised particles which can reflect radio waves making radio communication round the world possible.
Evaporation causing cooling.Here the evaporation is less. Therefore cooling is less.
Blue Zone is the hottest part of the flame that is where the flame has the most Oxygen and you are getting complete combustion. It is about 1400 degrees Centigrades. The Reddish part (Non - Luminous Zone) is the coolest part, about 800 deg C.
Compressions and Rarefactions are characteristic of Longitudinal waves.
The direction of vibration of the particles is in the same plane as in which the wave is propagating. The particles vibrate back and forth, about their mean positions.
is a Non-electrolyte.
An electrolyte is a compound that conducts an electric current when it is in an aqueous solution or melted. In order to conduct a current, a substance must contain mobile ions that can move from one electrode to the other. All ionic compounds are electrolytes. When ionic compounds dissolve, they break apart into ions which are then able to conduct a current ( conductivity ). Even insoluble ionic compounds such as CaCO 3 are electrolytes because they can conduct a current in the molten (melted) state.
A nonelectrolyte is a compound that does not conduct an electric current in either aqueous solution or in the molten state. Many molecular compounds, such as sugar or ethanol, are nonelectrolytes. When these compounds dissolve in water, they do not produce ions.
Electrolytes are of 3 types ---- Strong Electrolytes, Weak Electrolytes and Non Electrolytes.
Strong Electrolytes ---- Compounds which completely dissolves. ( NaCl, Na2Co3, HCl )
Weak Electrolytes ----- Compounds which do not completely dissolves.
Non Electrolytes ------ Compounds which do not dissolves at all.
Air Pressure can be defined as the pressure of air in the earth's atmosphere. It reaches a maximum of about 100,000 Pa near sea level and decreases as altitude increases.
The barometer is an instrument which is used for measuring Air pressure.
Physics instruments and their uses:
Barkometer - - - Tanning liquors used in tanning leather
Bolometer - - - Electromagnetic radiation
Spectrometer - - - Properties of light.
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