Here ?vacations? should be singular as ?vacation?.
?has? should be replaced with ?have?.
Could is used in hypothetical situation, where we want to express ability except willingness. So, ?could? should be replaced with should.
The spelling of rouge is misspelt as rogue.
WANE means (of a state or feeling) decrease in vigour or extent. And widen means broaden, increase. Both are nearly opposite in meaning.
Weather is always forecasted.
Protested is used because here the villagers express their feeling by making an objection to what has been done.
?Burst? is break open or apart suddenly and violently, especially as a result of an impact or internal pressure.So Burst is the most appropriate word.
?Nominal? is most appropriate word.
Oxidizing and reducing agents depend upon the reactant. Oxidizing and reducing agents are key terms used in describing the reactants in redox reactions that transfer electrons between reactants to form products.
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