It means that the first half of the alphabet is interchanged with second half of the alphabet. After making changes, nth letter from the left will be (n + 13)th letter of original series, ie English alphabet; If n is less than 14. But if n is more than 13, nth letter from left will be (n - 13)th letter from left.
In the given equation, we have to find out (13 - 7 =) 6th letter from right => (26 - 6 + 1 =) 21st letter from the left. Hence, required letter's position is more than 13; therefore the required letter is (21 - 13 =) 8th letter from left of original series, ie H.
According to given data the sitting order is P X Q Y Z R
So the members in the extreme position are P R
Letters in the word
Letters in the alphabet
Therefore, in the above sequence the next letter is G
Answer is Green
A person who practices teetotalism i.e abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks is called a teetotaller or is simply said to be teetotal.
Using the letters A, L, W
only one meaningful English word can be formed i.e, LAW
No other words can be formed.
We know that, ALpha and Omega are the first and last lettrs of in the Greek alphabet. Hence, alpha is to omega as first is to last.
4th to the right of 20th letter from the right means (20 - 4 =) 16th from the right.
16th letter from the right = (26 - 16 + 1 =) 11th from the left, i.e K
The given names will be arranged in the alphabetical order as : Mahender, Mahendra, Mahinder, Mahindra, Mohinder. Clearly, 'Mohinder' comes last.
The specified letters are R, C, H, A and I. The only meaningful word that can be made is CHAIR. The third letter of this word is A.
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